Συναισθήματα μια πολύπλοκη και σύνθετη εμπειρία στην όποια συμμετέχει το σώμα και η ψυχή.Αλλάζουν με τον καιρό, τους ανθρώπους που μας περιβάλλουν, την μουσική με ένα τραγούδι ακόμα βλέποντας μια φωτογραφία.Απο τα πιο βασικά συναισθηματα εινα η Αγάπη.Πως να την περιγράψεις...με το που την σκεφτομαι αυτην την λέξη χαμογελώ!Στην πορεία της ζωής μου έμαθα και ακόμα μαθαίνω δηλαδη τι εστί.Μετά απο πολλά χαστουκια τα οποια έπρεπε να φαω,Ευγνωμονώ αυτους που μου τα έδωσαν γιατι μέσα απο αυτους ανακάλυψα λιγουλακι την αγάπη.Η αγάπη είναι πάντου..εμεις είμαστε διαθεσιμοι να την δούμε και να την μοιράσουμε?Κάπου διάβασα η αγάπη που δεν μοιράζεται μετατρέπεται σε θλιψη.Με εβάλε σε σκέψεις...χμμμ.Ας ενεργοποιησουμε τον μηχανισμό λοιπόν δώσε αγάπη πάρε αγάπη.
Feelings… a puzzling and complex experience, in which body and soul participate. They change as time passes by, by people that surround us, listening to a song , or by seeing a picture. Love is one of the basic feelings. How could anyone describe it? …when I think about it, it makes me smile! As life goes on, I’ve learnt and I’m still trying to understand what love is about. After a lot of setbacks and disappointments, I’m grateful for the people that hurt me and gave me this lessons, because they helped me understand a little bit on what love is about. Love is everywhere…Are we able to realize it and share it? I’ve read somewhere that unrequited love turns into sorrow. This got me thinking….hmm. Let’s activate the mechanism I’d like to call “give love to receive love”.
Feelings… a puzzling and complex experience, in which body and soul participate. They change as time passes by, by people that surround us, listening to a song , or by seeing a picture. Love is one of the basic feelings. How could anyone describe it? …when I think about it, it makes me smile! As life goes on, I’ve learnt and I’m still trying to understand what love is about. After a lot of setbacks and disappointments, I’m grateful for the people that hurt me and gave me this lessons, because they helped me understand a little bit on what love is about. Love is everywhere…Are we able to realize it and share it? I’ve read somewhere that unrequited love turns into sorrow. This got me thinking….hmm. Let’s activate the mechanism I’d like to call “give love to receive love”.
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